NAIDOC Week provides opportunity to switch the conversation, if we are brave enough.
Former Federal Liberal MP calls for measured voices and leadership to heal our nation.
After 250 years, we all deserve better.
6 July 2021
Former Federal MP and now author, Richard Evans, says it’s time for the political posturing to stop in Indigenous affairs and to address the pressing issue most other nations have achieved with their First Nations.
Australian governments have been lacklustre in leveraging the community’s collective goodwill for justice toward First Nation peoples. Evans states it’s time to rethink government policy for new and more just outcomes.
‘Our current First Nation narrative has to mature and the constant shouting and noise needs to stop so a healing can begin,’ Evans said. ‘Many Australians thought the Apology was enough to resolve the angst; others say Native Title and the billions of dollars spent annually should be enough. But these were pieces of a much larger puzzle that clearly haven’t addressed the fundamental issue of sovereignty.’
‘So let us change the conversation and commence a new direction by recognising what most other countries have been prepared to do, and that is, make peace with the First Nations.’
Unlike other nations, the European settlement of Australia occurred with no treaties, no formal settlements, no compacts. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, therefore, did not cede sovereignty to their land. It was taken and this remains a continuing source of dispute.
To Heal Country – as this year’s NAIDOC Week’s theme suggests – it’s time we work towards redressing historical injustice by having braver conversations.
Country is inherent to Aboriginal identity sustaining their lives in every aspect – spiritually, physically, emotionally, socially, and culturally. It is more than a place. Country is family, kin, law, lore, ceremony, traditions, and language (NAIDOC 2021).
‘Do non-Indigenous Australians actually understand this concept of Country and why it’s worth fighting for?’ Evans said. ‘Sadly, for many, I think not.’
NAIDOC Week reminds us that for generations, Elders and communities have advocated, marched, and fought for substantive institutional, structural, and collaborative reform. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been calling for stronger measures to recognise, protect, and maintain all aspects of their culture and heritage for the benefit of all Australians.
‘And yet in my lifetime, whilst some structural changes have been made, the gap in understanding Country and sovereignty still remains,’ Evans said.
‘As a nation we need to switch the conversation and be brave enough to respectfully discuss the reasons why there has been no resolution to sovereignty,’ Evans said. ‘Why can’t we examine new ideas and not leave it to the loud few who may have vested interests to dominate debate. After 250 years, we all deserve better.’
‘Considering a federal legislative resolution to sovereignty would be a brave, powerful move, probably more powerful than piece of the puzzle changes to the Constitution or national anthem. Addressing the bigger, better questions of sovereignty will help heal our nation’.
Heal Country, heal our nation.
About the author
Richard Evans is the former federal member for Cowan (Western Australia). During his service in the 1990s he represented an Indigenous community, introduced an Indigenous intern program and served on the Commonwealth Parliament’s ATSI Committee through various Inquires, including a review of action taken after the Royal Commission into Black Deaths in Custody. He has spoken many times on Indigenous issues highlighting a need to alter the narrative and supports NAIDOC using their annual themes to increase community awareness. He is author of Forgotten People, exploring the politics and power of Country and offers, in a fictional world, a resolution to sovereignty.